Hannu Aaltonen
videographer, photographer, writer
tel. +358 45 6318631
23rd Nordic Congress of
General Practice 2024
11-14 June 2024 | Logomo, Turku, Finland

Thank you for attending the NCGP2024 congress!
Warm welcome to Turku and NCGP2024!
We invite young and experienced GPs, researchers, and educators in the field of primary health care to Turku in June 2024 to meet new and familiar faces, to explore innovations and latest research with Nordic colleagues.
Since the main theme of the congress is General Practice – the bedrock of healthcare; respecting the core values, the programme will highlight the very basis of General Practice. The keynote lectures will each focus on one of the core values, starting with Continuity of care presented by Anna Stavdal, the current WONCA World president. Participants will also find interesting workshops and symposia on clinical themes, but not forgetting topics such as research, education, culture, and GPs´ welfare. Sustainable solutions in congress arrangements will be of special interest to us.
The lovely summer city Turku has a long history as the first capital of Finland. The congress delegates will find vivid cultural events and superb restaurants to visit and enjoy. The river Aura, flowing through the centre, is the heart of the city and can easily be followed down to the sea on a walk or a bike ride. As the delegates will have free access to Turku region traffic (city buses and water bus) during the congress, an excursion to the Finnish Archipelago or Moominworld in the neighboring town of Naantali will surely enchant visitors.
See you in Turku!
On behalf of the organising committee,
Jaana Franck
Head of organising committee
Clinical Lecturer, University of Turku
Päivi Korhonen
Head of scientific committee
Professor, University of Turku
General Practice - the bedrock of healthcare
– Respecting the core values
#ncgp2024 #visitturku
Important dates
Registration deadline for the presenters & symposium/workshop organisers
31 March 2024
Early bird registration deadline
15 April 2024
Final congress programme will be published
by the end of April 2024
Late breaking abstract submission deadline
28 April 2024
The congress is organised by the University of Turku, in collaboration with the wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, the Finnish Association for General Practice and the Nordic Federation of General Practice.
Aboa Events takes care of practical congress arrangements.
Welcome to NCGP2024!