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Virtual congress platform

Online participation

The virtual implementation of the congress takes place on a versatile academic congress platform called Oxford Abstracts, OA.

All registered participants have received a personal login link to access the platform via e-mail. To sign in and access the platform via the link, please use the same email address you have used when you registered to the congress.

The platform will stay open until 28 June 2024 for congress participants.

Oxford Abstracts OA platform

Oxford Abstracts, OA is a digital collaboration tool, known for its ease of use, flexibility, and security. The platform works both on desktop and mobile. For best experience, make sure to use the latest version of your internet browser, e.g. Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Safari or Edge.

You will find on the platform:

  • Online programme
  • Congress abstracts
  • Live streamed video of Keynote lectures and also some parallel session symposiums, if you participate online
  • Recordings of the Keynote lectures and live streamed symposiums (available until 28 June)
  • Congress materials
  • Chat to connect with other participants
  • Online “name badges” of your fellow participants
  • Poster and exhibitor/sponsor information
  • Book of abstracts (PDF)
OA platform navigation tips

General technical instructions for participants

  • Functional Internet connection is essential in virtual events.
  • We recommend that you close all other applications on your computer to make sure the full capacity of your Internet connection is available.
  • Browser: the latest version of Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Sound: Headphones with microphone are the best way to participate in virtual events.