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Pre-Congress programme


Dare to be the change!
8.30-10.30Clinical visits in the Turku area, please register separately.
GP clinics invite our participants to take part of the everyday practice during a regular Monday morning.
11.00-12.00Registration at Medisiina B-C (Kiinamyllynkatu 10).
Lunch at Flavoria (own expense).
12.00-13.30Welcome to the Young GPs pre-congress in Turku!
Kati Lempinen and Nordic GPs

Everyday general practice in the Nordic countries.
Short presentations from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, Estonia and The Netherlands give you a peek into everyday practice.
13.30-14.00Coffee break
14.00-15.15Workshop – Clinical decisions in practice
Viivi Seppänen
When there are no right answers, you have to be wise – using a decision-making game we discuss our choices in practice.
15.15-15.30Quick break and snack
15.30-16.30Keynote lecture and discussion

Being the change
Silja Kosola, GP, Research Director LUVN (Western Uusimaa Wellbeing county)

As a young doctor, Silja made a discovery that not only changed the traffic legislation but also her career. The surgent to be chose general practice and is Finland's first docent in adolescent medicine. In public, she talks of the need of the Youth, addressing hot-topics like use of phones. In her research, she has critically assessed the impact of doctor's check-ups for healthy children. Being the change is not always easy, and when it comes to prioritising, feelings are always involved.

Nordic perspectives to professional wellbeing and presentation of NYGP
Annika Kolster and NYGP executive board
What is the best part of our work?
One hour break -
Come back in time for transportation to the evening program!
17.30Departure for evening get-together

A bus from Medisiina D will take us to Kavalto Estate in Piikkiö. We will continue to change ideas and experiences across the Nordic countries during an evening of activities and networking. A light pescatarian buffet will be served and there is even an option for sauna and swimming.
Dare to be the change!
8.30-9.30Keynote lecture and discussion: Tackling disinformation in medicine – How to make an impact with your own expertise?

Juhani Knuuti, professor of clinical medicine (University of Turku), researcher, head of Turku PET Centre. Knuuti has worked relentlessy to popularize health care and the meaning of evidence based medicine in social media. The main aim of the lecture is to get more means to tackle disinformation in medicine in every GP’s office.
9.30-10.00Coffee break and morning walk
10.00-11.30Workshop – inspiring workshops challenge you to think – and maybe rethink – your practice.
Choose 1 of 4.


1. Dare to treat hypertension better
Aapo Tahkola, GP, Director of clinical effectiveness, Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland

Hypertension is among the leading causes of preventable death, in Finland, 20% of the Finnish population medication. Yet, only 26-40% reach their blood pressure goals. During his PhD research Aapo made an uncomfortable finding, it might not be due to the patients, but because of the doctors and the system. This workshop challenges you to critically assess how you treat blood pressure.

2. Dare to say no - how to let go of low-value care
Finnish Medical Society Duodecim
Jorma Komulainen MD, editor in chief, Raija Sipilä MD, managing editor, MD Aleksi Raudasoja editor

Low-value care is not only a waste of money, it can actually harm the patient. But how can the GP say no to the requests for more tests and that ”just in case” prescription? The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim set out to support clinicians several years ago, providing EBM based ”Choosing Wisely Finland” recommendations. But is there evidence enough, and do the recommendations help? This workshop supports critical assessment of what is better left undone.

3. Weight-neutral care
Dr Anu Joki, Specialist in General Practice and Dr Eira Roos, Specialist in Occupational Health. Both are postdoctoral researchers at Helsinki University, Department of Public Health.

Weight is not solely determined by individual choices; rather, it is an outcome influenced by the circumstances in which we develop and reside. Overweight and obesity carry significant societal stigmas, exacerbating their impact on one's overall well-being. Primary care physicians should stand in the front-line of lowering the stigma. Initiating weight-neutral care begins with acknowledging and addressing our own preconceptions. Let's actively engage in this important work!

4. Antiracism 101 for doctors - How can we overcome built in biases in medicine?
Hibo Abdulkarim, MD, antiracism expert who alongside her clinical work, teaches about antiracism and tries to further equity specially in medicine.
Ibrahim Ahmed, MD, Bsbc, Specialising in geriatrics.

Medicine has a long history, during which it has been at times used as means to justify some of the most horrible things mankind has witnessed. The remnants of these practices are still widespread and affect modern medicine globally. It took 30 years between discovering the flaws of pulse-oximeters, when used on dark skin, and actually starting the work to rectify this. We now propose that our generation of doctors should be those to bring medicine to modern day and promote purely science based practices where the implicit biases are removed and equity allowed. Diversity is not the challenge, institutional racism is.

Hibo and Ibrahim keep an IG account together, @laakarit.hibo.ibrahim, a platform where they share information on health, equity and discuss current topics in society.
11.30-12.30Lunch at Flavoria (own expense)
12.30-12.50Preparing for debate- Theory: Making an impact, preparing an argument
Johanna Suur-Uski
12.50-13.30Preparing for debate
Preparation in groups
13.30-14.20Debate on the stage - The future of general practice, Make your statement!
(debate in groups)
14.30-15.30Inspirational Speech: The patients are our raison d’être - and how continuity of care also can be good for the GP!
Personal reflections on a 35 year long journey in general practice, its organisations and all its diverse tasks.
Roar Maagaard, GP & Assoc. professor, Nordic Federation of General Practice, president

Final words and hand-over of NYGP chairmanship
18.00Welcome reception at main congress

Programme is subject to changes.