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Newsletter No. 9, April 2024

Dear colleagues,

Time often seems to fly, doesn’t it? It is only two months until we meet here in Turku! However, there is still time to take advantage of the early bird registration fee by April 15. It is also recommended to make your travel plans and book accommodation right away. You will find practical tips for travelling and accommodation on our website.

If you are unable to come to us, we come to you! It is possible to attend online as NCGP2024 will be a partly hybrid event. For online participants, the scientific programme of the main lecture hall will be available.

General Practice – the bedrock of healthcare; respecting the core values

The final programme of the NCGP2024 will be published in April. We would again like to thank all of you who contributed by proposing workshops, symposiums and abstracts. Throughout the congress we are aiming to highlight the very basis of general practice, according to the main theme of the congress. If you haven’t already familiarised yourself with our splendid keynote speakers, you can find them here. Each of our keynote lectures will focus on one of the core values approved by NFGP, together with a summary lecture on the core of family medicine.

Summer evening at Ruissalo Boatyard

Come to enjoy summer evening with us at Ruissalo Boatyard! There are still tickets available to both of the parallel evening parties on Thursday, 13 June. At the congress dinner, you will be able to enjoy a buffet-style three-course dinner, live music and enchanting performances. Meanwhile, the participants of the Summer Evening Party are served a salad buffet dinner and catchy live music. As night falls, both parties will unite. This is an event you don’t want to miss!


Please check our website for more information and follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

If you have any questions regarding the scientific programme, please contact:
Questions regarding registration, accommodation, or the social programme, please contact Aboa Events:

On behalf of the NCGP2024 organising committee,

Sanna, Ansa and Pieta